The Forum

Well, I didn’t think I could pull it off, but I set up an online forum (I was just kidding about the God thing. Why mess with a forum when prayer has been working for centuries?).

You can access the
forum on this web site, or you can simply go to from your browser. I’m looking forward to this venue since as you know the Internet is all over the world (oh yeah! It’s a World Wide Web) and I’m curious to see if we get some international traffic on the thing.

The online forum is great place to ask questions and get answers. I’m sure we’ve all accessed one for some reason or other. It can really become a community, and that’s what we need at this point. A sense of community among those who provide music for liturgy under what can be very trying conditions.

Not every one agrees that the guitar is an appropriate instrument to play in church. Many of us lack sufficient training on the instrument and knowledge of liturgy to feel confident in what we do. But having said that, many of us do have the training and knowledge and all we need is a mechanism to connect and share that knowledge with others.

No one has all the answers. We need each other’s to help fill in the gaps and to continue to move forward.

Please consider registering with the forum so we can begin the journey together.

Peace always,
